If this is something that you hear often, “we can’t believe that you tripped over/slipped/fell and sprained your ankle again”, then you definitely need to know what RICE is. Not the delicious underbelly of your favorite sushi roll, but the acronym RICE. RICE is used to take care of any and every sprain, ache, or swelling.


What RICE cannot help with is broken bones. If you even suspect someone of having a broken bone, take them to professional medical care immediately.

What is RICE?

Rest – Get off your sprained ankle or stop using your swollen hand! This seems like an obvious one, but some people still try to use the hurt limb regardless of the pain. Don’t be that person. Get off of it and you are on the road to getting better.

Ice – Another obvious one that we have always been told to do. A couple notes. Don’t put ice directly on your skin, as it will burn you. That’s bad. Instead wrap it in a wet towel and you will get the same benefits. Also, don’t ice for 2 hours straight. That is how you end up getting a limb chopped off. Go 20 minutes on ice and then remove the ice for another 20 minutes. Repeat.

Compression – Wrap it up. You should have an ace bandage or a rolling bandage in your first aid kid. Wrap it around the affected area so that it is snug but isn’t cutting of circulation.

Elevate – Get the injured body part above the heart. If it on your upper body, don’t lay down. If it is in a lower extremity, lay down and put your feet up. These things will make it harder for the heart to pump blood to the affected area, which will bring down swelling.


If you are clumsy and hurt yourself often, be very aware of RICE! Make sure that you take a CPR and First Aid class to be prepared. You can sign up at www.a-b-cpr.com

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