Please spread the word about a FREE, Online Professional Development opportunity that promotes safe learning environments for children. This class is designed for Pest Management Professionals who serve child care programs, however, ECE professionals and maintenance staff can also take the course.

From the Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health:

We are excited to present a new resource to promote safe learning environments for children in California, an online course for Pest Management Professionals. Here is a link:

New changes s to the Healthy Schools Act in 2015 strongly encourage child care providers to use least toxic methods (called “integrated pest management”, or IPM)  to control pests and puts new training requirements on pest control companies serving childcare. To help Pest Management Professionals incorporate IPM and comply with the Healthy Schools Act, we developed a free online CEU course: Providing Integrated Pest Management Services in California Schools and Child Care. This course addresses:

  • The Healthy Schools Act
  • Common pests
  • The risks of pesticide exposure
  • Steps to implement IPM
  • Business aspects of IPM

We will keep a directory of Pest Management Professionals who have completed the course on our website ( to help  child care providers connect with professionals who have IPM training.
For questions, please contact me at

Best regards,

Asa Bradman, PhD, MS
Associate Director, Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health

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