Be careful this Easter! While people are running around celebrating with family, some become unaware of their surroundings. Kids and adults both are always at risk of choking, so here are the 6 objects you need to look out for…

Candy, duh.

And Chocolate is the least of your worries. Things like marshmallow and hard candies can be very dangerous if someone forgets to chew their food!

Plastic Eggs

The giant plastic eggs are a little ridiculous, but the smaller plastic eggs can be dangerous. If you are hiding Easter eggs, make sure to leave out the ones that can fit into a kid’s mouth.

A majority of the food you eat

You had to have seen this coming. People are stuffing their faces with delicious goodies. With Aunt Silvia ready to devour the rest of the French toast, people may be eating to quickly to beat her there. Encourage people to eat slowly!


For those of you who think you are making the healthy choice by giving coins instead of candy in the eggs, think again. If a child gets their hands on them, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they thought it was a chocolate coin and put it in their mouth. Stick with candy Mom and Dad!


This isn’t just on Easter. If a child has a toy with chokeable parts, make sure that they are the right age and that they don’t have any younger siblings or cousins who could get into trouble! Always think about everyone in the house when buying toys.


We highly doubt that a child would choke on a streamer, but you never know. Make sure you are watching your kids at all times! But, balloons are a different story. If a balloon pops and a child swallows it, it is one of the most dangerous objects to be choking on. Don’t let your children play with popped balloons!


Watch out for your family this Easter! If you want to learn more about choking and how to help someone who is, check out

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