The 5 Most Embarrassing Broken Bone Stories

We aren’t sure you can get much worse than breaking a bone. But, it is always more embarrassing when breaking a bone with everyone watching as you attempt a very simple task (walking for example). Fractures are extremely common and they seem to happen in the all-time...

Childcare Training Grant

SolicitudSubsidioDeCapacitacion_Espanol 2018-19 HealthSafetyTrainingGrant Application_English 2018-19 The YMCA CRS has started voucher program again!! If you are working in a licensed childcare home, or center you can apply for this grant. The cost of the classes with...

The 4 Signs of Heat Stroke That You Should Know!

  In San Diego, Summer doesn’t end when school is in session. According to, the average temperature in San Diego is 76 degrees Fahrenheit which puts all citizens at a risk for heat stroke. This medical emergency should not be taken likely,...

The Short, All Inclusive Guide to Burns

You have once again opened up a boiling pot, which once again released an absurd amount of hot steam onto your arm. After using a few choice words, what do you do next? What about when your kid has turned on the hot water rather than the cold water first? He or she...

7 CPR & First Aid Myths You Probably Believe

No one likes to be told that they are wrong… But unfortunately many people believe some common myths that simply aren’t true. Here are 7 CPR & First Aid Myths that are extremely false! 1-You do CPR to an unconscious person to wake them up Unfortunately...

Is It Possible To Drown Outside Of The Pool?

As summer approaches, children migrate from their schools back home for vacation. Summer vacation is a time of fun and activities for children, but it also tends to be a time of high stress for parents! Scraped knees, bumps on the head, and sunburns can be expected...
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