We aren’t sure you can get much worse than breaking a bone. But, it is always more embarrassing when breaking a bone with everyone watching as you attempt a very simple task (walking for example). Fractures are extremely common and they seem to happen in the all-time worst circumstances. Below are the 5 worst stories we have heard about breaking bones.

5. “I was on a date with this new guy who asked me out from work and we were at a local Italian restaurant. We had a great time and things were really going well. After we finished eating we went outside and because it was snowing, he attempted to put his coat over my head to keep me covered. It was very sweet, but it also caused me to lose my balance and I slipped on some ice and my arm slammed onto the bottom of a fire hydrant. The date ended with him driving me to the ER.”
4. “My three year old left Thomas the Tank engine on one of the stairs. We have hardwood floors so as I was running down the stairs to keep from being late to work, Thomas decided to sneak under my foot and I went tumbling down the stairs. Needless to say I was extremely late to work because I fell onto my wrist and broke it in two places.”
3. “My friends and I were riding BMX bikes in the canyon behind my house and I tried to go off a jump that I had done a million times. This time, instead of landing it I hit the ground and went over the handlebars. I did a full cartwheel, broke my leg, and then my bike fell on top of me. I was in so much pain that my friends called my mom and she had to call an ambulance.
2. “I worked in a factory as a kid (this was 40 years ago), and we had these awesome conveyer belts that moved our product from one side of the factory to the other. Of course, after working the entire shift, in the last five minutes my hand got stuck in the side of the conveyor belt and ended up getting crushed in between two parts of the machine. I still don’t have full range of motion in my right hand, but it did lead to me changing career paths!”
1.“My twofriends and I were messing around and bowling one night, even though I am terrible at bowling, and I ended up breaking my nose. I didn’t break it from falling, but the ball was too small and so it got caught on my fingers and in my follow through I ended up falling forward and hitting myself with the bowling ball. I felt a crack and suddenly, a pain that I never imagined. Three surgeries’ later and my nose has never quite looked the same since the infamous night of bowling.”

Do you have a bad story about how you broke a bone? Make sure you share it with us on our Facebook page!!!


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