Childcare Providers and influenza

  Subject: **New** Influenza Prevention and Control: Strategies for Early Education and Child Care Providers Online Course     Influenza Prevention & Control Try our new online PediaLink course for early education and child care providers! Click...

CPR-The new 2010 Standard C-A-B !

BLS (basic life support) is the foundation for saving lives following cardiac arrest.  Fundamental aspects of adult BLS include immediate recognition of sudden cardiac arrest and activation of the EMS system, early performance of high-quality CPR, and rapid...

Shaken Baby Syndrome- What to look for

Shaken Baby Syndrome Resources and Information for Early Care and Education (Child Care) Providers   The following information is from the CDC website provided above:...

Health and Safety Checklist for Early Care

The Health and Safety Checklist for Early Care and Education Programs: Based on Caring for Our Children National Health and Safety Performance Standards – Third Edition is now available on the UCSF California Childcare Health Program Website! The Health and...

Childcare Provider Head-start info!

EHS-CCP Applicant Support Toolkit launches! As part of President Obama’s Early Education Plan, ACF will support states and communities in expanding high quality early learning to infants and toddlers through the Early Head Start – Child Care Partnerships....