7 CPR & First Aid Myths You Probably Believe

No one likes to be told that they are wrong… But unfortunately many people believe some common myths that simply aren’t true. Here are 7 CPR & First Aid Myths that are extremely false! 1-You do CPR to an unconscious person to wake them up Unfortunately...

Is It Possible To Drown Outside Of The Pool?

As summer approaches, children migrate from their schools back home for vacation. Summer vacation is a time of fun and activities for children, but it also tends to be a time of high stress for parents! Scraped knees, bumps on the head, and sunburns can be expected...

Incidental medical services documents

Forms 15ccc-01 and 02 are the documentation directly from the department of social services that explains the requirements. The word docs are the documents I created to meet this criteria for my center. My licensing Analyst reviewed them and said they met the...

Changing Epinephrine Laws

Changing Epinephrine Laws; New California epinephrine regulations are taking effect January 1, 2016: “Certification from an approved training program will allow a layperson or off-duty EMS personnel to obtain a prescription for and administer an epinephrine...
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