Are You Ready For An Emergency?

Pumping adrenaline, sweat begins to form, you can hear your heart pumping in your ears, and all you can think about is helping the person in need. This is an emergency. Being a first responder is a lot of responsibility, and most people are not up to the challenge....
How Can I Lower My Risk For Heart Disease?

How Can I Lower My Risk For Heart Disease?

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States, making it a critical health concern for everyone. While many public places are equipped with defibrillators and CPR training is becoming more common, prevention is always better than intervention....

My Kid Has A Burn… What Now?

Children are known to always grab exactly what they shouldn’t be grabbing; whether it is a hot pan, mom’s makeup, or deciding that they want to color a mural on your office wall with crayons. However, kids don’t understand that there are consequences...

The 5 Most Embarrassing Broken Bone Stories

We aren’t sure you can get much worse than breaking a bone. But, it is always more embarrassing when breaking a bone with everyone watching as you attempt a very simple task (walking for example). Fractures are extremely common and they seem to happen in the all-time...
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