Heart Disease is the number one killer in the United States. Most people are required to take CPR classes and most public facilities have a defibrillator on hand in case of heart attacks. So, if heart disease is such a huge issue, how can we avoid what seems to be the unavoidable? Here are 4 tips that if you start (or stop) today, you severely decrease your risk for heart disease.

Start Exercising

Exercising severely decreases the chance of heart disease. When you add physical activity even 3 times a week, it can lower your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol, and increase the strength of your heart. If you have trouble exercising, try to integrate it into your already daily habits. If you watch a lot of Netflix, try using the app on your phone to watch while you walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike. You can burn calories while still doing your day to day lounging.

Stop Smoking

Smoking not only causes cancer, but it also puts a massive strain on your heart. Smoking increases blood pressure, decreases capacity to exercise, and can lead to blood clotting. If you have tried quitting before without succeeding, see a specialist who can put together a personalized plan for quitting. You can do it!





Start Eating Correctly

Diet is also a huge component of heart health. We understand that awesome Mexican food is tempting and that ice cream for every meal is probably a delicious idea, but unfortunately foods that are riddled in sugar and fats lead to increased chances of heart disease. Your food doesn’t have to taste like cardboard, but it does need to be high in fiber and lean protein.





Start Seeing a Doctor Regularly

Go get checked up! The more consistently you see a doctor, the less likely something will sneak up on you. Your heart is a complex organ, and there are specialists that are experts on it! You can get tested to see your likelihood of having a heart attack and get professional recommendations on how to improve your heart health.





Make sure you are prepared for heart disease. Follow the tips above and also be ready if someone you love experiences issues with their heart. Take a CPR class online today at www.a-b-cpr.com/online

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